I bought Moldavite — here is what happened in three months.

Zara Walker
7 min readMay 19, 2021

Yep. After watching multiple TikTok creators have breakdowns because of the impact of Moldavite, I thought — why not?!

If you search the term on TikTok, you’ll quickly see many people recommending that no one buys it. In fact, a search on Google will reveal many people having a wild ride with moldavite.

It’s like telling someone not to push the button or don’t turn around and look at the person behind.

It becomes irresistible.

To be clear, though, it’s expensive. My tiny chip, which came with a certificate of authentication — and presentation case, was the cheapest I could find.

February 27th 2021. Super fun times.

Moldavite isn’t like your regular crystals, it is actually a green tektite, created 15 million years ago from a meteorite.

The idea with moldavite is that it clears things out of your way at a rapid rate. Good, bad, the ugly — it all happens and at face value that sounds interesting.

Although I did see one TikTok where someone’s car was taken away, they lost their job, their husband left and they spent three weeks crying, then launched a business that is starting to make money.

Did I want my car to be taken away? Not really.

Did I want to lose my jobs? No… f**k no!

I’m not 100% ready to fall into the abyss — though I do like teetering on the edge.

Let’s not get into the fact that relationships are meant to be rocked and either broken or bolstered (we, in fact, will get into this a little bit).

I have, and always will be, a keen advocate for crystals, spirituality, healing, spirits and all of that.

So buying a piece of rock isn’t new to me; purchasing something that is known to be destructive on occasion… is well within my nature too.

I kept putting off buying it, and then I got a discount for the store I would buy it from. It was meant to be — naturally.

Anyway, the moldavite arrives. I cleansed it, charged it and activated it. Because that is what a good crystal owner does.

And through coincidence, some excellent stuff started to happen. Wow. We like this so far. But I knew; I just knew we weren’t done here.

I landed some sweet paying work; the bank was healthy, it was all going well. The projects were also exciting and fun.

Perhaps it was just the timing, but I began looking into how I saw my future, and I started to get many more headaches. I’m prone to migraines, but these felt like pressure.

Not exactly what I had expected, but it’s alright. After more reading headaches are pretty common with moldavite.

I had a few really intense dreams of past loves, replayed arguments in my dreams, saw myself in years from now. It could’ve been the cheese, but my dreams were really odd.

Before you read on, this isn’t to put you off or to make you buy it. It’s just sharing my own experience with moldavite. What at the time felt terrible, and really in some cases, left me confused and hurt, has turned out the be precisely what I needed.

One of my freelance gigs started to be more and more demanding, with no increase in pay. After a run of incredibly time-consuming and painful to produce articles, I quit.

I had that freelance role for almost three years, and I had more challenging times with them in the past, but something just switched.

Not sure what happened. I just looked at the screen and, at hyper-speed, typed out a short ‘I quit thanks bye’ email.

Wow, okay, no fallback plan, really, and about 60% of my income down the pan. Lol — excellent work, Zara.

It’s fine.

Within the same 24 hours, I switched off my Whatsapp. I just got sick of looking at the little red numbers ticking up and up. I had meant to do this for a while. To close some conversations, leave others, but in the end, I realised I just didn’t like the app.

And I was clearly on a roll removing things from my life.

Another of my freelance roles was late paying by two weeks, and then the money got ‘stuck’ between my accounts.

This one was disastrous.

It’s OK, though; no worries, we can get by.

I got in the car to get groceries, and the battery was dead. It is okay, don’t worry about it.

I will get a new battery, it’s no problem.

I then lost 20 blog drafts. Now, usually, I don’t spend time stacking up drafts, but I had a nice run and lots I wanted to talk about. Somehow I turned on the wrong setting on my cache plugin, and it trashed all the posts.

Not going to lie now; I am not feeling very chipper by this point. And it’s in close succession, too — just one thing after another.

The rest of my freelance work starts to go quiet. This I am used to, but usually, there is an overlap between them. When one has a slow week, the others are busy.

Not this time — apparently.

It’s fine, don’t worry about it.

In between the bigger stuff, there were stupid small things too. Thick and fast.

Argh, I have had more than enough.

Fast forward a few weeks, were relationships rocked? Yeah, massively. I didn’t even see it coming. Some people I won’t talk to again, others I didn’t know I needed to be wary of, I can see clearly now.

As for the few remaining people? I dunno how to explain it, but somehow, even in the middle of a global pandemic, where we can’t see each other, we have unlocked a new level of communication.

That is pretty cool.

All of this sounds pretty tragic, but the point of moldavite is to move what you don’t need and put you on the right path.

I feel like I was picked up by my head, given a shake, and put down somewhere else without a map. Somehow though, it feels exactly right.

So here is how it all gets turned into something positive.

  1. Without seeing it, that freelance role had become painfully time-consuming. Some of the subjects were beyond my scope. Do I miss the cash? Yeah, but in reality, it wasn’t that great — it was just comfy.
  2. I have been thinking a lot about how accessible we are and the impact that has on us. Mentally we are constantly plugged into people, and removing WhatsApp gave me a sense of peace. Even though it was a spur of the moment thing, it has been the right decision.
  3. Instead of getting groceries, I had to get creative in the kitchen, and it was something I hadn’t done in a while. And since we can’t do a big shop with no car, we got small dips, crackers, and other stuff and watched movies all day. It was nice; it turns out we needed to hit pause for a few hours.
  4. It was so out of character for me to write that many posts for myself, and this one actually hurts. One of my issues is that I will write something and leave it in the drafts. Never pressing publish cause I am a coward. So while that was a significant loss, it made me regret not pressing publish. I often think about the posts that I spent hours on.
  5. Freelancing comes with periods that can be a little quiet, at least for me. I would like to say something good has come from this, but it’s more like I’m searching for something to create. I’ll get there when I get there, and in the meantime, I have enough work to be good. It was scary, though. But a good scare is perfect for moving you forward from time to time.
  6. I did not see this happening. I don’t make friends easily, and the ones I do, I do try to make sure they are happy, comfy, and always know I am here. I didn’t stop doing that, but I now see that some people were there for the energy and goods I gave, rather than just me.

When things happen in quick succession, it kind of leaves you feeling pretty raw.

Emotionally for sure, and physically too at this point.

The strangest thing for me is that everything that has happened has put me in a really fortunate position.

Realising that I was spending a lot of energy in all the wrong places.

It’s been almost three months since I got my moldavite, and it has been a wild ride.

I can honestly say that, although I am pretty experienced with crystals, this has been the most challenging one for me.

But I have taken more photos, gone back to doing my evening yoga, taken naps, and spent more time working out what I can give to the world rather than sweating over nanotechnology at midnight.

Was it moldavite? Was it just time? Perhaps I’ll never know, but I do know one thing for sure, the whole process has given me the shake I need to move forward.

Photo by Julia Kadel on Unsplash



Zara Walker

Bad writer, shallow thinker, often wondering how to do better.